Posts in category Britain

Blenheim Palace at Christmas, Woodstock, England
BritainExploreThe Cotswolds

Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, England at Christmas

A winter’s day at Blenheim Palace, under a clear and crisp December sky. The palace, dressed for the season showing off all its magnificence and its Christmas splendor. Grand Christmas trees at both the entry and in the main hallway. Follow …

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Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, England
BritainExploreThe Cotswolds

Blenheim Palace

Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, this beautiful site was bestowed to John Churchill, by a grateful Queen Anne and thankful nation following the victory at the Battle of Blenheim, in 1704, against the French and Bavarians. How fitting therefore, that this …

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An Hour from LondonBritainExplore

Bletchley Park, England

Bletchley Park, 50 miles north-west of London, predictably, proved a fascinating place. Called ‘Station X’, by the British government, it was where during World War II the British cracked the German Enigma Code, the backbone of the German military and intelligence communications. …

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The Whitby harbour. North Yorkshire, England

Beautiful, historical North Yorkshire

Life’s twists and turns, call them coincidences or serendipities never cease to amaze. In May I had stood by the harbor in Genoa, Italy, the birth place of the infamous explorer, Christopher Columbus. Three weeks later, quite unintentionally, I found myself …

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The Royal Barge at Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee, River Thames, London, England

A Royal Pageant celebrating the Diamond Jubilee

Hundreds and thousands of people gathered together in London, June 2nd-5th 2012 to celebrate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee. On June 4th the venue was on the River Thames for the Royal Pageant. Undeterred by inclement weather, torrential …

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A tribute to Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee

Gracious, dignified, poised, respected and admired by millions across the globe. Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, might only be a figurehead with no ‘real power’ but few others have set a more exemplary example …

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