Posts in category Bouches-du-Rhône

At the Terrace restaurant at Hôtel de Caumont, Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Around ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneCities of ProvenceEat in LourmarinEat in UzesExploreLanguedoc-RousillonSt Remy-de-ProvenceUzes

Restaurants we love in Uzès, Aix-en-Provence & St-Rémy-de-Provence

Eating out, or more to the point eating outside, is very much a part of restaurant life in France. There are lots of places to choose from, and we love finding new ones. Here are a few restaurants we’ve just …

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Carrières de Lumières the magnificence of 2019 Van Gogh, La Nuit étoilée
Bouches-du-RhôneLes Baux-de-ProvenceSt Remy-de-Provence

Carrières de Lumières 2019 Van Gogh, La Nuit étoilée

Since opening in 2012 the stunning video art show at Carrières de Lumières has entranced millions. Situated just steps from the medieval perched village of Les Baux-de-Provence each year, the work of the Masters is splashed across the cavernous walls …

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'Are we French yet?' an American's perspective of living in Provence by Keith Van Sickle
Around ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneDiscoverSt Remy-de-Provence

‘Are we French yet?’ ~ The magic of living in Provence by Keith Van Sickle

What motivates and inspires someone to leave where they live where everything is safe and familiar and move to another country? Somewhere with a completely different language, culture and way of doing things? What happens if you need medical attention …

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Winter's view from the courtyard at Lourmarin chateau, Lounrarin, Luberon, Provence in the rain
Around ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneDiscoverStories from Lourmarin

Lourmarin, what to do as winter approaches in Provence

It’s raining today in Provence and after nearly a month of clear, blue skies and gentle, warm autumnal days, temperatures have plummeted signaling the beginnings of winter. No where, even Lourmarin, is as idyllic in the rain, or is it? …

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Road in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France
Around ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneDiscoverSt Remy-de-Provence


Recently someone who only had four days to spend in Provence asked me if I had to choose between a visit to Aix-en-Provence or Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, which would it be. Preferably I’d find the time for both but as stunning a …

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Carrières de Lumières 2017 Bosch, Brueghel, Arcimboldo, Les Baux de Provence,Provence, France
Around ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneLes Baux-de-Provence

Carrières de Lumières Bosch, Brueghel, Arcimboldo, ‘from the fantastic to the wonderful’

Yesterday was special, leaving our paintbrushes and plumbing issues behind, we drove towards the jagged hills of Les Alpilles through Le plaine de la Crau, winding our way through the lush valley floor of silvery, green olive trees and golden …

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Cours Mirabeau, Aix-en-Provence, Provence, France
Aix-en-ProvenceAround ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneCities of Provence

Discover Aix-en-Provence with an expert!

“Provence appeals to so many because the region offers something for everyone. From sea to sky, from mountains to meadows, from history to contemporary, it is an endless canvas.”  Esteemed writer, Carolyne Kauser-Abbott’s, perspectives about Provence. Visit the stunning city of Aix-en-Provence …

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Aix-en-Provence, one of the a cities of Provence, France
Around ProvenceAvignonBouches-du-RhôneCities of ProvenceDiscoverLourmarinLuberonNearby LourmarinNearby UzesThe VaucluseVar

Cities of Provence an hour from Lourmarin

Easily reached on a day’s excursion from Lourmarin is the one of the most magnificent cities of Provence, Avignon and vibrant university town of Aix-en-Provence. The Mediterranean coast is a short drive further; Marseilles, and the quaint fishing towns of Bandol and …

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Enjoying the pleasures of life in Provence
Around ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneDiscoverLanguedoc-RousillonLourmarinLuberonThe VaucluseUzesVar

Provence, where the pleasures of life abound

What is it that consistently draws people to Provence and to the Luberon in particular? What precisely is Provence’s appeal, that special ‘je ne sais quoi’ which make the region so captivating? Aside from its natural beauty, perhaps its enduring …

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Palais des Papes, Avignon, Provence,France
Around ProvenceAvignonBouches-du-RhôneCities of ProvenceDiscoverThe Vaucluse

What to see in Avignon ~ City of the Popes

Like a ribbon round a cake, the magnificent medieval city of Avignon is surrounded by a beautifully preserved city wall built in 1403. During the 14th century it was the center of one of the richest courts in Europe. As …

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