Posts tagged D-day

The graves at the Canadien Normandy memorial near Arromanche

Arromanches and The Memorials of Normandy

The Floating Harbours at Arromanches There were many factors contributing to the success of D-Day. Strategic planning, deception and the successful outcome of some of the initial targets was critical, such as Pegasus Bridge, and Point du Hoc. But the …

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Gold beach, Normandy site of the British troop Landings on D-Day, June 6th 1944

D-Day: Operation Overlord ~ The Normandy Beaches

D-Day, June 6 1944, known by the brilliant strategists that oversaw it as ‘Operation Overlord’, is perhaps one of the most meticulously researched and planned military operations ever executed. An immortal day, forever written in the sands of time that …

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The Control Tower at Greenham Common, Nebury, Berkshire, England
An Hour from LondonExplore

The story of Greenham Common, England

On June 5th 1944, with the world spinning on its axis, General Dwight Eisenhower addressed 1430 American paratroopers, from Greenham Common, England. “The eyes of the world are upon you.”  He announced, watching at just before midnight, as at 11 second intervals, …

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70th anniversary of DDay at the Normandy Beaches, France

D-Day: The Normandy Beaches, June 6th 1944

“We shall fight on the beaches……..but we shall never surrender” the immortal words of Sir Winston Churchill. And fight on the beaches is what thousands of brave Allied troops, did. Under the joint command of Generals Montgomery and Eisenhower, thousands of men …

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