Posts tagged Les Alpilles

Carrières de Lumières 2017 Bosch, Brueghel, Arcimboldo, Les Baux de Provence,Provence, France
Around ProvenceBouches-du-RhôneLes Baux-de-Provence

Carrières de Lumières Bosch, Brueghel, Arcimboldo, ‘from the fantastic to the wonderful’

Yesterday was special, leaving our paintbrushes and plumbing issues behind, we drove towards the jagged hills of Les Alpilles through Le plaine de la Crau, winding our way through the lush valley floor of silvery, green olive trees and golden …

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Marc Chagall at Carrières de Lumières 2016
Around ProvenceCities of ProvenceDiscoverLes Baux-de-Provence

Marc Chagall at Carrières de Lumières, 2016

The incredible art of Russia’s Marc Chagall at Carrières de Lumières has been a 2016 sensation! Yet another maestro’s talent splashed upon the towering walls and floor of the former bauxite quarry in Val d’Enfer, by Les Baux de Provence.  Set to a mystical, …

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