The Luberon – Shutters & Sunflowers Travel tips from an English girl in California, in love with Provence. Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:02:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 124587098 Carmel, California and Lourmarin, Provence, the places I call home Fri, 31 Mar 2023 05:06:48 +0000 'Home is where the heart is', or so the expression goes. My heart is somewhat fragmented, with those I love and the places I own spread across two continents. When I'm in one place, I think of the other. I'm ...

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Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence, Vaucluse, France

'Home is where the heart is', or so the expression goes. My heart is somewhat fragmented, with those I love and the places I own spread across two continents. When I'm in one place, I think of the other. I'm so often torn and confused as if there's some divine rule book telling me I should choose just one, the one I should prefer and always want to be. Maybe my dilemma is tied up in the simple fact that my home is in two extraordinarily special locations. The fairytale village of Lourmarin, a hodgepodge of enchanting, creamy buildings huddled below a hillside in Provence and the sweeping white shores of Carmel, California, lined with its majestic cypress trees, part of a beautiful and dramatic coastline. 5000 miles apart, but both equally entwined within my heart.

The beach at Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, USA

I walk most days along the Carmel shoreline marveling at its ever changing drama and beauty. A spectacle of crashing waves curling up onto the shore, otters and sea lions disappearing into their frothy playground, pelicans and seagulls swopping and diving overhead.

The coastline at Carmel-by-the-Sea,

It's rare that at as I stroll past this Pacific jewel I don't think of that other place, of the walks I take there and the equally mezmerising splendour of a tiny Provencal village, that so stirs my soul. In writing this post it took me a long time to select the photos, I have so many of both Carmel and Lourmarin. In either place I seem to be constantly clicking the camera shutter, trying to imprint their beauty and the emotion they evoke, hoping to ensure their image is always with me. As if I really need to do so, they're both already firmly planted in my heart.

Early morning light in Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence, France

In a few weeks I will be returning to Lourmarin. Opening our front door, where right now the cherry trees are blossoming.

Cherry trees outside our door of Maison des Cerises

And by May, when we arrive, their boughs will be bending with an abundance of fruit.

'Maison des Cerises' our village house for rent in Lourmarin, Provence

I'll step inside and doubtless a tear will fall before I unfasten the shutters and throw open the windows allowing the fresh air and warm Provençal sunlight to pour in.

Views from Living Room in a village house for rent in Lourmarin, Provence

And upstairs from our terrace, I'll stare across the village roof tops and vow to myself that I'll stay forever, knowing of course that I won't, but wishing that I could.

And can you blame me? Strolling down my street to a village, that makes all of our visitors gasp and comment that they feel they've just stepped into a story.

We'll stop for a coffee, having of course, purchased a baguette.

And we'll look at each other and smile, we're back, sipping coffee, and doubtless later a glass of rosé at Café Gaby where it's hard working owner, Marc, will have served countless people since we were last there. We'll breath a sigh of contentment, our memories haven't deceived us, nothing has changed, all is as we remembered it, intoxicating and perfect.

If we're lucky, our favorite local artist, Gérard Isirdi, will be seated behind us. Doubtless splashing a new canvas with the talented strokes of his paint brush, capturing another beautiful moment in time.

Just as he did one day for us, now over ten years ago.

Then we'll meander up the street passing Isirdi's Gallery, here on the left with the grey shutters.

Rue Henri de Savornin, Lourmarin Lourmarin

We'll while away the moments admiring the ancient, shuttered buildings and their clay tiled roof tops, glowing golden as they bask in the sun.

On Rue Henri de Savornin

A myriad of temptation will tumble out onto the streets, most of which I'll want to explore as my hand is pulled to stop me!

And on a Friday, market day, we'll be thrilled that the same band, we've always listened to and loved, will still be there, filling the air with its lively Spanish melodies.

Band at the Band playing at Lourmarin's Friday market

Tall plane trees will canopy the market stalls and we'll fill our baskets with fresh tomatoes, lettuce radishes, cheese and fruit.

Lourmarin Friday market

And of course, I'll be tempted yet again, by something gorgeous that one can only buy in Provence.

Market stalls in Lourmarin

Lunch will be on back on our terrace, admiring the view.

Our daily walks in Lourmarin will take us along leafy lanes where the trees bow across the road like hands clasped in expectation.

Tree lined lanes of Lourmarin

In May there will be poppies, dancing in the breeze and splashing a vibrant red across the fields.

And I'll marvel once more at the natural light illuminating the world in a way that it only seems able to do in Provence.

Early morning in Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence

We'll dine most nights at home enjoying the bounty of the local region, with the doors wide open and our hearts overflowing.

Dinner on our terrace in Lourmarin

Every so often we'll spoil ourselves at one of the local restaurants knowing we'll be warmly welcomed back, eating el fresco, wondering why we ever left.

Dinner at La Louche à Beurre, Lourmarin

And then a family will walk by and I'll remember where I need to be and why.

Emotions will stir, I guess you can't have it all but I'm so very blessed and forever grateful that I have so very much and two such special places I'm fortunate enough to call 'home'.

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]]> 21 Caroline Longstaffe 13777
Returning somewhere special, Lourmarin, our village in Provence Tue, 28 Sep 2021 13:26:10 +0000 After many months, and much persistence, dealing with the disappointment of cancelled flights and the uncertainty of COVID, we'd managed to return to England. After spending five special weeks with family and friends we were finally at the entrance to ...

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After many months, and much persistence, dealing with the disappointment of cancelled flights and the uncertainty of COVID, we'd managed to return to England. After spending five special weeks with family and friends we were finally at the entrance to the Channel Tunnel beside the sign welcoming us to 'le shuttle'. Even then, we were unsure that French immigration, which you pass through in England, would permit us entry to France; us, in our French registered car, with British passports and American Vaccination cards. Despite having completed all the forms for our vaccinations to be recognized by the French 'Pass Sanitaire' (required to enter all restaurants and many buildings in France) we hadn't yet received the necessary paperwork back. So it was with considerable trepidation I handed over our documents to the Border Control officer. Like most of his breed he didn't speak. With a thumping heart I watched nervously as he scowled at our passports, brandishing his stamp to thump it down on an open page before glancing at our vaccine cards and passing it all back to me and then wave us on. We breathed a sigh of relief, had they really let us in, might we really be able to return to our fairy-tale village of Lourmarin?

As we followed the line of obedient looking traffic driving onto 'Le Shuttle', we half expected that someone might stop us, it didn't seem possible that we really were finally headed to France.

Barely forty minutes later we were disembarking and following the signs for the A26 autoroute, we were heading south.

Within a few hours we were walking the ramparts of the fortified little town of Langres, a convenient halfway point, just north of Dijon, where we'd booked to spend the night.

Chosen purely for its location, I cannot take any credit for knowing Langres would be so charming. As much of a francophile as I am, not all french towns are this appealing. It felt like the powers of internet searching had deliberately directed me here to welcome us back France, selecting this delightful little town with its pale, shuttered buildings, steeped in history and a beautiful, 12th century cathedral; Cathédrale Saint-Mammès de Langres.

Most fascinating of all, we discovered Langres was the birth place of the 18th century French philosopher, Denis Diderot, the co-founder of the encyclopedia!

Diderot smiled down on us as we sat and sipped an apéro before dinner. Surrounded by the lilting sounds of French voices we allowed ourselves to become immersed once more in the ambience of France, still scarcely believing we were really there.

And then the following day, 350 miles further south, when I next looked though my camera lens, my vision a little blurry, it was to capture the storybook village we'd waited so long to return to. Lourmarin, basking in the late afternoon Provençal patiently waiting for us, unchanged and enchanting as ever.

After we'd dispersed all of our luggage in our little house, Maison des Cerises, we strolled down our sun-kissed street, Rue du Grand Pré.

Lourmarin was bustling, village life seemed to have resumed its normal dance as if nothing had ever happened.

We sat down outside Café Gaby, one of our favorite spots in the village Marc, its owner greeted us like long lost friends; "ça va?" he beamed at us, "Oui" we nodded "et tu?"

And as we sat and watched the world go by everything was just as we remembered, just as it should be.

We returned back up our street and as various shop owners nodded and smiled in recognition, it felt like we belonged.

A little later, we watched the evening shadows settle on the buildings opposite our terrace, listening as the church bells told us the time.

And later still, having nibbled pizza in the village, we wandered the streets amidst the twinkling lights and sound of laughing voices.

We were back, back in Lourmarin, the beguiling little corner of the Luberon in Provence we call home, for part of the year at least, and we couldn't be happier.

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]]> 22 Caroline Longstaffe 12339
Markets in Provence Fri, 31 May 2019 01:36:53 +0000 A visit to Lourmarin would not be complete without at least one visit to a local market in Provence. Friday is market day in Lourmarin But from early morning until about 1pm you'll find a market in Provence, somewhere, every day: Markets ...

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The Provencal markets, Provence, France

The Gordes market by the chateau in Gordes, Luberon, Provence, France

A visit to Lourmarin would not be complete without at least one visit to a local market in Provence. Friday is market day in Lourmarin But from early morning until about 1pm you'll find a market in Provence, somewhere, every day:

Markets in Provence

Monday: Cadenet, Cavaillon, Lauris

Tuesday: Cucuron, Pertuis, Gordes, Lacoste, Coustellet, La Tour d'Aigues, St Saturnin les Apt, Lourmarin (evenings)

Wednesday: Mérindol, Cheval-Blanc, Salt, Aix-en-Provence, Arles, St Remy-de-Provence, Le Thor, Nimes, Cassis

Thursday: Goult, Ménerbes, Rousillon, Pertuis, Lauris, L'Isle sur la Sorgue, Aix-en-Provence, La Motte d'Aigues,

Friday: Lourmarin, Lagnes,, Les Taillades, Bonnieux, Aix-en-Provence, Cassis, Cucuron evenings (July & August)

Saturday: L'Isle sur la Sorgue, Maubec, Vaugines, Mérindol, Apt, Aix-en-Provence, Arles, Uzès

Sunday: L'Isle sur la Sorgue antiques, Ansouis, Coustellet, Mormoiron, Aix-en-Provence, Aigues Mortes

Regional produce found in the markets in Provence

Sold by smiling friendly locals

Characters in the markets of Provence, France

Goats Cheese

Goats cheese for sale Wednesday Market Uzès, Provence, France

and other cheeses

Markets in Provence

 the perfect accompaniment to.....

Cheese wedge in the Lourmarin market, Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence, France

 a baguette!

French baguettes in a Provence market


Olives for sale in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence market, Provence, France

Candied fruits

Crystalized fruit for sale in the Uzès market, Provence, France

 GarlicGarlic in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence market, Provence, France

Gifts from the markets in Provence

All things Olive!

Wooden olive gifts in the Lourmarin market

Hats and bags

Market day in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Provence, France

 Beautiful local handcrafts

Lavender and wheat at Gordes Market, Luberon, Provence, France

Oils and vinegarsProvencal oils and vinegars in a Luberon Market, Luberon, Provence, France

Nougat ~ although this might not make it to your suitcase!French nougat for sale Saturday Market Uzès, Provence, France

A shopping basket full of evocative, sensory pleasures to provoke fond memories when you’re far away.

 My favourite market schedule:

Saturday ~ Apt or Uzes (click here for a video tour!)

 Sunday ~ L'Isle sur la Sorgue

Monday ~ Cadenet

Tuesday ~ Gordes & Lourmarin evening produce market

Wednesday ~ St Remy-de-Provence

Thursday ~ Aix-en-Provence



Next time, we'll visit the Sunday market at L'Isle sur la Sorgue!

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]]> 2 Caroline Longstaffe 9997
Château La Coste, Provence, art, architecture food and wine! Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:00:35 +0000 Nestled among rolling vineyards between the historic city of Aix-en-Provence (14km) and the stunning Luberon Valley (21km) you will find Château La Coste. Purchased by Irish real estate developer Paddy McKillen in 2002, the ordinary has been transformed into the extraordinary. Château La ...

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Crouching spider by Louise Bourgeois at Chateau La Coste,Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Nestled among rolling vineyards between the historic city of Aix-en-Provence (14km) and the stunning Luberon Valley (21km) you will find Château La Coste. Purchased by Irish real estate developer Paddy McKillen in 2002, the ordinary has been transformed into the extraordinary. Château La Coste is now a stunning domain set within 600 hectares, dedicated not just to fine wine but art, architecture and well-being.

View of Chateau La Coste Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Provence, France

Come to enjoy the wine, stroll through the extensive grounds, admire the incredible art and be sure to leave time to eat at one of the estate's scrumptious restaurants. Details below, reservations might be required.

The wine at Château La Coste

The Cuverie at Château La Coste, is a revelation bringing fresh life to a centuries old tradition skillfully merging the past with the present. Using state of the art technology, this new generation winery, created by architect Jean Nouvel opened in 2008. Over 10m high and extending 17m below ground it provides a perfect environment for preserving wine.

Cuverie by Jean Nouvel at Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Accessible only by guided tour: Daily in French from 11am and 3pm, 1pm in English. Fee 12 - 10€.

The wines

Committed to using biodynamic principles, Château La Coste blends Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Grenache, Vermentino, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Cinsault grapes. In 2008, just one year after their first harvest, they earned the prized organic ‘AB” distinction. Sample for yourself, the wine shop opens every day at 10.00.

Wine of Château La Coste,Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

The Art Center of Tadao Ando

Designed by Tadao Ando, a self taught Japanese architect born in 1941, the Art Center at Château La Coste opened in 2011. Dramatic, somewhat austere concrete walls, dotted with small conical punches, lay at an angle to its V-shaped structure composed entirely of imposing bay windows.

The Tadao Ando Art Center at Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Sub divided into two, one area houses the reception area and book store, the other a cutting edge restaurant. Facing the vines it is set next to an infinity pool which cleverly conceals the underground parking below it.

'What I tried to do here, because of Cézanne's presence in Aix, is to create a new work close to nature.' Explained Tadao Ando.' I wanted to capture the same, very humble spirit of Cézanne's paintings.'

The Art and Architecture Walk

The Art and Architecture Walk at Château La Coste is a fascinating two hour stroll next to olive groves and rolling vineyards meandering through the woods beside some stunning pieces of art.

Open March 1st - November 1st Everyday 10 am - 7 pm
November 2 - February 29 Monday to Friday 10 am to 5 pm Saturday and Sunday until 7 pm. There is an admission charge, click her for more details

Below are some of the 31 marvels which particularly caught my attention.

Crouching Spider ~Louise Bourgeois 

Taking pride of place next to the art center and hovering just above the glistening water is Louise Bourgeois’ bronze statue, created in 2003 and installed here in 2011. Believing spiders protect us, it was designed in homage to the artist’s mother, its twisted muscular legs reflecting the gnarled limbs of the vines surrounding it.

The Crouching Spider by Louise Bourgeois at Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Small Crinkly~Alexander Calder 1976

Created in 1976 by American artist Alexander Calder, famous for his interpretation of mobiles, this is the only piece not specifically made for the domain. At its home at Château La Coste it becomes its most vibrant when swept up by the Mistral, a spectacle to witness!Small Crinkly Alexander Calder at Chateau La Coste,Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Wall of light Cubed ~ Sean Scully 

Best known for his paintings, Sean Scully's Wall of Light consists of 1000 tonnes of limestone bought from Portugal.

Wall of light Cubed by Sean Scully at Château La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Pavilion of Music ~Frank O. Gehry 2008 

The pavilion was created as a partnership between world renowned Canadian-American Artist, Frank O. Gehry and the Serpentine Gallery in London where it was first exhibited in 2007. Gehry's famous designs include The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and The Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles.

Pavilion of music Frank O. Gehry at Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Psicopompos ~ Tunga 2011

Combining cast iron magnets from China, quartz from Peru and local stone from nearby Rognes, this Brazilian artist's work attempts to portray the link between the spirit and material.

Psicopompos by artist Tunga at Château La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

The Chapel ~Tadao Ando 2011

In Tado Ando’s restoration of this 16th century place of worship, the remains of the original structure have been wrapped in glass.

The Chapel by Tadao Ando at Château La Coste Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Original walls at The Chapel by Tadao Ando at Château La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

It is situated at the pinnacle of the Art and Architecture Walk offering magnificent unobstructed views of the region.

The Restaurants at Château La Coste

La Terrace

Set under shaded pergolas, where there is often live music, La Terrace is ideal for lunch, especially after a ramble exploring the grounds.

La Terrace Restaurant at Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

A casual bistro style menu of delicious salads, home-made soups and tarts. Approx. 16 for a main course.

Lunch at La Terrace Restaurant at Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Tadao Ando Cafe

More formal than La Terrace, this sleek, modern setting within the art center offers both indoor and outdoor dining for lunch and dinner. A la carte menu approx. 70 for three courses, menu of the day 34€ per person.

The Cafe at the Tadao Ando Art Center at Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Francis Mallmann

Rustic and elegant, decorated in the colors of a Cézanne Studio, offering local flavors with an Argentinian twist by its Argentinan born chef from whom it takes its name. (Featured on Netflix' Chefs Table) A la carte menu approx. 100 for three courses per person

Le Louison

A truly gourmet experience at this one star Michelin restaurant at the hotel from chef Gérald Passedat. In keeping with the splendor of the estate each course is an artistic masterpiece. Five course set menus from 95 -165 per person


Describe as "bistronomic" (blending gastronomic and bistro), open daily for lunch and dinner; from 38€  for lunch and from 50€ for dinner.

Villa La Coste ~ the hotel at Château La Coste

Situated on the hillside amongst the vines the hotel at Château La Coste, Villa La Coste, opened in 2017. A luxury haven offering twenty eight villa suites, ten with a private pool, and terraces boasting panoramic views of the Luberon. The contemporary architecture is accentuated by the use of local materials. It has beautiful, extensive gardens, a pool, bar, library and spa.

View of the grounds of Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Even if you don't have time to rest your head at this sumptuous spot be sure to leave time to visit the estate should you be in this beautiful part of Provence.

Plan your special occasion here:

Wedding preparations at Chateau La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France

Join one of the chateaus special events, bring a group for an organized day visit, or become part of one of the outdoor movie screenings, art exhibits, art and wine workshops (normally 2.5 hours long 20-25 per person) and concerts. Click here for the schedule

Click here to plan your visit. I'd love to know what you think and which pieces of art you especially loved!

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]]> 2 Caroline Longstaffe 9443
Château La Canorgue a 'A Good Year', even if you're not in Provence! Tue, 22 Nov 2016 04:44:50 +0000 When ever I am feeling far away, yearning to be back in the Luberon in Provence, one of my solutions is to re watch, yes for the hundredth time, 'A Good Year.' Filmed at Château La Canorgue, minutes from Lourmarin, it perfectly encapsulates ...

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Chateau Canorgue, Bonnieux, Luberon, Provence, film location for 'A Good Year'

When ever I am feeling far away, yearning to be back in the Luberon in Provence, one of my solutions is to re watch, yes for the hundredth time, 'A Good Year.' Filmed at Château La Canorgue, minutes from Lourmarin, it perfectly encapsulates this stunning region; the alluring natural light, the breathtaking 'campagne', the picturesque perched villages and most of all its entrancing way of life. Comedy, romance, beauty, maybe not oscar winning, but heart warming and delightful, transporting you to this special corner of Provence. Come with me on a tour of its locations and I think you’ll see what I mean

Château La Canorgue

'A Good Year,' was written by Peter Mayle (who lives in Lourmarin) and the movie was directed by Ridley Scott. Château La Canorgue, (Château Siroque in the film), an organic winery, tucked within the shadows of the lovely hill top village of Bonnieux.
Château La Canorgue, Bonnieux, The Luberon, Provence, France
Château La Canorgue, is a magnificent property, sadly you can’t go inside but just as in the film, it looks warm and inviting, gently 'aged to a soft patina'. Staring up at it next to the vines you can almost hear Monsieur Duflot humming to himself behind you and Uncle Henry, muttering to the young Max about his next chess move.
It is possible to sample the wine, a major feature of the film, not surprisingly its Coin Perdu (very significant in the film) being one of its best! The winery is open Monday to Friday 9.00am ~7.00pm Saturday 9.00 am~12.00 & 2.00~7.00pm.

Of course, I love to drink good wine, so was excited to read this article extolling the health benefits of doing so, an article I just had to share, thanks Jen Reviews!
Winery at Château La Canorgue, Bonnieux, The Luberon, Provence, France

Dining near Bonnieux

There are great dining choices in Bonnieux, near Château La Canorgue, My favourite is 'La Bergerie' part of chef, Edouard Loubet's, sensational Relais and Château hotel, Domaine de Capelongue, enjoy the gardens & spectacular views of the Luberon. For a truly gastronomic experience dine at the main restaurant. Chemin des Cabanes, Les Claparèdes, 84480 Bonnieux  + 33 (0)4 90 75 89 78  Booking essential for either.


A few miles further at the impressive perched village of Gordes you can circle the war memorial as did the star of the film, Max, (Russell Crowe), in his 'little yellow car'.
War Memorial in Gordes, The Luberon, Provence, France
You can eat at Hôtel le Renaissance, Fanny's Café in the story (Fanny, played by Marion Cotillard)
1 Place du Château, 84420 Gordes   +33 4 90 72 02 02
Hotel Renaissance in Gordes, The Luberon, Provence, France

The Luberon

Driving back across the valley, on the meandering roads by Bonnieux and Lacoste is where Max topples Fanny from her bike.
The Luberon, Provence, France
Near Ménerbes you can stop by the road sign for the 'D3' which so confused the irate Max and you will pass the tree lined avenues where he yells at the unsuspecting bikers!
Plane flanked roads by Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence France


On the other side of Lourmarin, Cucuron is where Max and Fanny have their first date, watching a black and white movie in the square by the basin under the plane trees.
Cucuron, Luberon, Provence, France,
You could also dine here, a bit of a splurge but worth it: La Petite Maison de Cucuron, Place de l’Étang, 84160 Cucuron +33 (0) 4 90 68 21 99

I love this film not just because it is set against the stunning backdrop of the Luberon but also for the profound part its story. It’s a story about someone 'finding' themselves, coming to understand what is really important, realizing that ‘This place’ which ''doesn't fit into their life' is not the issue rather that it is ‘their life that does not fit into this place'.

It’s about embracing the soul of somewhere different, a captivating place, where often the only important appointment of the day is lunch, where people stop to smell the lavender, where values are deeply rooted, a place which is intoxicating.
Bonnieux, Luberon, Provence, France, ( as ssen in the movie 'A Good Year')
I am of course hopelessly sentimental, few of us can just abandon our lives to move to Provence; and Max was hardly giving it all up; inheriting a stunning château, a thriving boutique vineyard and in love with a 'French Goddess'; this, after all is a Hollywood movie!
Yet those words are imprinted in my heart ' is your life that does not fit into this place'
Ask yourself are you really living the life you want, in the place you want to be?
And if not what could you do to make your life more authentic more special. It’s something to think about…………..

Download The Lourmarin Travel Guide to learn more about this beautiful region

Driving 'The Good Year route' from Lourmarin you could start at Curcuron, take the route back through Lourmarin, on to Bonnieux, then Gordes returning via Ménerbes and Lacoste.

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]]> 13 admin 6356
The Luberon in autumn, adorned in a golden gown Thu, 17 Nov 2016 04:40:10 +0000 The Luberon in autumn, a flame with colour, as paintbrush strokes of magenta and ochre sweep the summer away. As each season appears, I say to myself, that this is my favourite. In winter I love the crisp mornings, sparkling frost, ...

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Luberon vineyards by Ménerbes in Autumn

The Luberon in autumn, a flame with colour, as paintbrush strokes of magenta and ochre sweep the summer away. As each season appears, I say to myself, that this is my favourite. In winter I love the crisp mornings, sparkling frost, magical snow flakes and bundling up in soft woolens but am always happy to see the first signs of spring, to gather boughs of blossoms and fill my home with daffodils. And then what could be more intoxicating than long, warm summer evenings, eating el fresco on a table laden with sunflowers. Then autumn comes once more, the leaves become burning flames of crimson and gold as Mother Nature sets the stage for crackling log fires before the year draws to a close and the winter chill descends once more.

Being in the Luberon in autum this year  I found myself wondering whether perhaps this was Provence adorned in her most beautiful of Mother Nature's gowns...........

Trees kissed by a flame of colour in St Remy-en-Provence

I love to visit this delightful Provencal town especially on market days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Having filled your baskets, enjoy lunch somewhere delicious like Aile au La Cuisse. Then meander through the olive groves and vineyards which lead to the enchanting perched village of Les Baux-de-Provence.
A courtyard in St Remy-en-Provence in autumn
A short stroll from Les Baux, don't miss the spectacular video art extravaganza set within a towering former bauxite quarry Les Carrières de Lumières this year featuring the incredible works of Chagall.
Les Carrières de Lumières 2017, Marc Chagall.

A splash of autumn colour in Goult

Goult is of the Luberon’s prettiest villages, quieter and less visited which makes it even more beguiling. Enjoy a meal at La Terrasse and be indulged by your charming hostess, Natalie and her excellent cuisine; if you are visiting in the summer or at a weekend reservations are advisable.
Goult in the Luberon in autumn
Before you leave make sure you explore the winding streets that lead to the windmill and enjoy the magnificent views.
The windmill at Goult

The Luberon Vineyards  ~  near Ménerbes

At this time of year, the Luberon vineyards are brushed with a brilliant carpet of crimson, burnt oranges and cinnamon. Visit the local domains as they complete the vendage (click here for ideas) and replenish your stocks for the winter.
Vineyards near Ménerbes, Luberon, Provence, France

and at Bonnieux's Château La Canorgue

A harvest bounty in Gordes

The markets everywhere overflow with an abundance of seasonal bounty, perhaps its time to find those recipes for hearty stews and soups!
Autumn vegetables in Gordes
There is a brisk chill first thing at Gordes’ fabulous Tuesday market, where the stalls seem to reflect the colours of the season.
dried fruit at Gordes Tuesday market

A golden avenue of trees in Lourmarin

Towards the end of the day in Lourmarin, the light becomes golden, a soft, a misty haze hovers and the air is perfumed with wood smoke. Enjoy an apéro at one of Lourmarin's many cafés and maybe stay for dinner, there's many good choices; where to eat in Lourmarin and where to eat nearby.
A golden avenue of trees in Lourmarin, Luberon, Provence
Earlier, when the sky was a deep provencal blue, only the scarves and jackets gave away the time of year but the little town still bustled, its boutiques and galleries as bustling as on a summer's day.
Lourmarin street, Luberon, Provence, France

Thanksgiving in Provence

Everywhere it felt as if Nature was gently seducing us to gather berries and olive branches and to fill the house with pumpkins and gourds
Gathering berries, pumpkins and gourds in the Luberon
as some prepared to celebrate Thanksgiving in Provence

White Christmas dreams in a Lourmarin boutique

As the nights drew in people were checking their log supplies and preparing for winter. Gentle hints in the local shops reminded us that Christmas is just round the corner.

I will be far away by then although, of course, a little part of me will remain in this, my special place......
Christmas display in Lourmarin
Perhaps you would like to discover it's magical charm, let me know if I can help you plan a visit here, maybe next year!

and the surrounding area of The Luberon, Provence.
Suggestions where to stay, eat and play!

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What to see and do in Lourmarin Thu, 16 Jun 2016 22:39:00 +0000 Lourmarin, charming and captivating, come here and wander through the meandering streets, explore the chic boutiques and galleries and then sit and gaze upon life as you ponder all the things to see and Lourmarin activities before a delicious lunch in ...

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What to see and do in Lourmarin, Provence

Lourmarin, charming and captivating, come here and wander through the meandering streets, explore the chic boutiques and galleries and then sit and gaze upon life as you ponder all the things to see and Lourmarin activities before a delicious lunch in the shade, there are many places to choose from.

Whilst there is lots to see and do in Lourmarin, people here just ‘be', surrounded by beauty, relaxing on lazy, sun drenched days, maybe becoming lost in a good book. It’s an intoxicating, a place of artists and authors, a place to dream about and yearn for when you are far away.

The Lourmarin Château

A part of Lourmarin since the 12th century.
The Lourmarin Chateau, Luberon Valley, Vaucluse, Provence, France
The château was saved from demolition in 1920 by Robert Laurent Vibert, having completed major restorations he tragically died in a car accident a few years later. He left the château to the French Academy for Art and Science in Aix-en-Provence on the condition that young artists could perform there. It now plays hosts to many wonderful concerts and exhibitions, these are one of the key Lourmarin activities, especially in the summer which attrArtists by the Lourmarin Chateau, Luberon Valley, Vaucluse, Provence, Franceacts artists, writers and musicians from across the globe.

The Luberon area has always been an artists haven; writers Henri Bosco (1888–1976) and Albert Camus (1913–1960) both lived in Lourmarin and are buried in the local cemetery and British writer, Peter Mayle, whose books include, 'A Year in Provence' and A Good Year, lives in Lourmarin today.

Art galleries and shops

As a place of artists, it is hardly surprising that amidst the trendy boutiques and shops, Lourmarin has several art galleries profiling some incredible artistic ability, visiting these galleries should definitely be included on your list of Lourmarin activities.

The Isirdi Gallery is probably the most famous, where the extraordinary Isirdi Gallery, Lourmarin, Luberon, Vaucluse, Provence, Francetalent of its owner Gérard Isirdi, with the help of his wife Christine, will entice you to take home a memory of your time in this special place. You might even be able to persuade him to paint something with you in the landscape, like our friends did, read how here!! 

The Lourmarin Market

Every Friday 8.30am -1.00pm, all year round, the streets are bursting with a vibrant collection of Activities in Lourmarin, The Loumrarin Marketwonderful local produce and all things Provencal! A visit to this market is a must on your itinerary of Lourmarin activities.
Other Luberon Markets:
 (NB: some are seasonal)
Cadanet, Cavaillon, Lauris
Cucuron, Gordes, Lacoste
Merindol, Pertuis, Sault,
Goult, Menerbes Rousillon
Lourmarin, Bonnieux

Wine in Lourmarin and beyond

Lourmarin is surrounded by the rolling hills of the stunning Luberon Valley, strewn with olive groves, fruit orchard and vineyards. Make sure you make time to include a visit to at least of these on your list of Lourmarin activities.

From the village stroll to Château Fontvert,  Path Pierrouret 84160 Lourmarin Tel: 04 9068 35 83

Lourmarin Activities, Lourmarin wine shopThere is a great local wine selection available at both Les Caves du Château, where you can make your selection within the ancient, stone caves of the château and La Cave à Lourmarin, the excellent wine shop at Place H. Barthélémy in the village.

La Cave's apt slogan perhaps sums up the region's attitude to their wonderful wine:

"notre région la Provence 
 notre terre le Luberon 
 note passion le vin!"

Other activities

There is a tennis club in Lourmarin and a public swimming pool, it is also possible to rent bicycles contact the Office du Tourisme for details .
(Place H. Barthelemy 84160, Lourmarin Tel: +33 (0) 4 90 68 10 77 )

Exploring the region around Lourmarin

Exploring the surrounding region, the villages and cities should also be part of your Lourmarin activities. Within a short drive there are many other vineyards to stop by as you explore the stunning perched villages of the Luberon; each with their own fascinating history. The vibrant cities of Avignon and Aix-en-Provence are both less than an hour away and the sparkling Mediterranean coast line, with its quaint fishing towns, a short drive further; more next time!

Download the printable The Lourmarin Travel Guide to learn more about this beautiful region

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Travel France online ~ posts my article about L’Abbaye Notre-Dame de Senanque Sun, 09 Nov 2014 08:00:00 +0000 Travel France Online  is, in the words of its founder, Parisien, Diane de la Guillermie:  'a free online travel help you discover and enjoy French history and culture'. Having traveled extensively herself, Diane established this guide to share perspectives about French history ...

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L'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque, Gordes, Luberon, Provence

Travel France Online  is, in the words of its founder, Parisien, Diane de la Guillermie:  'a free online travel help you discover and enjoy French history and culture'. Having traveled extensively herself, Diane established this guide to share perspectives about French history and culture and as she so aptly puts it, 'to give genuine insight of France to readers from all over the world and hopefully tempt them in discovering more of France.'


Travel France online - a french online travel guide
Diane found my blog on Twitter and asked me to be a contributor which I am delighted to be.

Do look at her wonderful site which I am sure will be an invaluable resource for your travels to the beautiful part of the world she is from, La Belle France!

The Cloisters at L'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque, Luberon, Provence, FranceClick here to read the article Diane published from Shutters and Sunflowers about L' Abbaye Notre-Dame de Senanque which lies peacefully amidst the lavender fields, within the gentle embrace of an enfold of the Luberon Valley, just outside of Gordes in breathtaking Provence.

I spent a wonderful afternoon there this summer, it truly is a place of contemplation and peaceful tranquility. You can remind yourself of the original article here.

my suggestions of where to stay eat and play, do let me know your recommendations !

A view looking down on L'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque, Luberon, Provence, France


The post Travel France online ~ posts my article about L’Abbaye Notre-Dame de Senanque appeared first on Shutters & Sunflowers.

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