Posts tagged provencal produce

The Lourmarin market
Activities in LourmarinExploreLourmarin

The Lourmarin market, re-opening this Friday!!

I was so happy to learn from my friends in Lourmarin that the Friday market is allowed to return tomorrow; with social distancing measures of course. After so many weeks of not being permitted, I’m thrilled for all the local …

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Lourmarin Travel Guide, Lourmarin Friday Market, Luberon, Provence
Activities in LourmarinExploreLourmarin

Friday is market day in Lourmarin!

Early on Friday morning, around when the clock chimes eight, the sound of clanking metal posts gently peppers the air. White vans fill the car park outside my door and market stalls spring up in Lourmarin’s Place Henri Barthélémy spilling …

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